Clinical Governance case study

Improved compliance and best practice advice: Felicity Hill, Aged Care Clinical Governance

Felicity Hill has worked with Meditrax for many years while working at several aged care providers. She has always appreciated the reliable support in the areas of psychotropic audits, medication reviews and MAC meetings.
Best practice medication management advice

Best practice medication management advice

Working with a large residential aged care provider, Felicity was pleased her organisation already had a relationship with Meditrax when she joined.

“I've always valued their input from an operational perspective,” she said.

meditrax pharmacists
Over the years, she has used a range of Meditrax services when they attended medication advisory meetings, conducted audits and provided education.

For my employer, Meditrax does RMMR reviews, psychotropic audits and quality use of medication audits.

“They also give advice. Sometimes I'll email with different requests about the legislation or specific medications,” she said.

Upskilling and education

Felicity has also appreciated the range of services Meditrax offers.

“I've engaged them independently to do a deep dive into medications like S8 incidents,” she explained.

They’re also looking towards using the Meditrax education platform to enhance medication management understanding within their staff.

“We use their services to support compliance and upskill our registered nurses,” she said.

“So yes, I've just engaged them in different ways, but it's always around quality use of medications and best practice,” Felicity concluded

An image of a pharmacist providing medication management education in an aged care home
Find out how partnering with Meditrax can improve medication management in your organisation.