Case study

Better medication management means increased quality of life: Abel Tasman

Meditrax has been working with Abel Tasman Village for many years. According to Clinical Care Manager Harry Wu, they help improve medication management and ultimately improve the lives of their residents.
Better medication management

Regular reviews

Abel Tasman Village is a medium size aged care home in Chester Hill in Sydney’s west. As Clinical Care Manager, Harry Wu overlooks all the clinical care quality and management of all the residents.
Meditrax was brought in to provide quarterly in-depth medication reviews for residents. Not only is it part of their internal quality management, but it shows the government that they have a system in place to ensure the effectiveness of medication management.

These reviews have become invaluable for Harry and his team.

"Sometimes the GP might be too busy to look at the whole picture so the pharmacy can give advice to cut down certain medication. Quite often someone can accumulate a lot of medication and the list gets longer and longer,” he explained.

The result is happier and more comfortable residents

The real measure of Meditrax’s success at Abel Tasman is when he sees the residents live a better quality of life.

"When the resident gets the medication they need to help them feel comfortable, to help them be symptom free or have the symptoms under control. At the same time, they’re not having too much medication that has a lot of side effects and that limits their quality of life. We monitor that on a day-to-day basis,” he said.

There are also other benefits for the resident.

“The regular review is also good to see if there’s any potential to help them get less medication. Which means they don't have to pay as much because some residents have less financial means as well,” Harry said.

Find out how partnering with Meditrax can improve medication management in your organisation.