Our medication management and RMMR services

Our services

We have a wide range of services, including RMMR and education. Our goal is to partner with you to provide sound governance of medication management in home, disability and aged care.
medication management and RMMR services

Consulting and Coaching

We provide consultation, support and training so your facility stays on top of your medication management accreditation requirements.

This can include simplification of medication regime (MRS GRACE tool) to reduce medication complexity, accreditation workshops and advice on legislative requirements.


We provide tailored and targeted learning for your staff to remain up-to-date in legislative requirements, disease states, and medication management and administration.

Our education sessions comply with the Aged Care Standards 1.3 and 2.3 Education and Staff Development.
An image of a pharmacist providing medication management education in an aged care home
An image of a pharmacist on the phone

Pharmacist Advice Line

We provide a telephone advice line to support nursing staff on medication-related enquiries.

We can also clarify your legal responsibilities when you’re providing or administering medication.

Annual Training Conference

Each year, we conduct a training conference for aged, home and disability care workforce to extend knowledge on clinical care and safe medication management. Attendance at the annual training conference can contribute to CPD Learning.

We feature speakers including geriatricians, cardiologists, endocrinologists, psychogeriatricians, physiotherapists, dieticians and clinical nurse practitioners.
An image of the Meditrax conference
aged care


We conduct comprehensive audits to help you stay ahead of legal requirements and improve medication management.

Our audits include Medication Management and Risk Audit as per accreditation criterion 2.7, Medication Chart Discrepancy Audit to highlight potential ordering errors and Psychotropic Medication Analysis Audit to support best practice and legal requirements of these medicines.

Residential Medication Management Reviews (RMMR)

We believe RMMRs are the cornerstone of exceptional patient care. Our clinical pharmacists conduct reviews in collaboration with the resident’s referring doctor and other members of the healthcare team.

Part of our process is to interview residents, liaise with nursing staff and review relevant notes. We then provide a comprehensive RMMR assessment of the client’s medications so staff can help to manage and prevent medication-related issues.
An image of a pharmacist reviewing a patient
An image of a home medicine review

Home Medicine Review (HMR)

We conduct home medicine reviews when requested by GPs. These medication management reviews are conducted by our clinical pharmacists and can be scheduled with community pharmacies.

Quality Care Advisory Body and Medication Advisory Committee (MAC)

Having a Medication Advisory Committee is essential to ensure the safe and quality use of medicines (QUM). MACs help aged care facilities be proactive and responsive to any medication-related issues that arise. From December 1, 2023, it will be a requirement that all approved aged care facilities establish a Quality Care Advisory Body.

We can attend and advise on the industry guidelines on risk management.
An image of a pharmacist at a MAC meeting
An image of a spreadsheet


Meditrax’s unique database records changing medication use. This means we can benchmark the use of medications that may be associated with higher risks, such as sedatives and other psychotropic drugs.

Comprehensive data or audits can be provided to benchmark chosen indicators and to provide evidence for continuous improvement.

What our clients say

Very Helpful!

They've been very helpful in providing support in terms of governance and thinking about how systems should look in relation to compliance, how we should be thinking about systems efficiency, where we might have risks across the board.

Medication Advisory
Find out how partnering with Meditrax can improve medication management in your organisation.